
Ketika Semua Ini Bermula

Jika bukan Allah yang memudahkan, maka tak ada seorang pun yang bisa membuat ini menjadi mudah.

Tak terasa sebentar lagi bulan Ramadhan. Sudah hampir 1 tahun semenjak kami sekeluarga memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kenyamanan, kembali ke kota kelahiran, menyempurnakan birrul walidayn, menuntut ilmu lebih full time, dan di sela-selanya berikhtiar maksimal untuk menjemput rizqi yang telah Allah janjikan.

Kami sadar betul, bahwa perjalanan yang terjal ini bukan jalan yang mulus. Sebuah jalan yang mendaki lagi sukar. Jika bukan Allah yang memudahkan, maka tak ada seorang pun yang bisa membuat ini menjadi mudah.

Maka ketika kelelahan datang, ketika jalur pendakian rasanya makin curam, perbekalan semakin menipis, dan semua terasa seperti mission impossible, tidak ada yang lebih berharga dari menengok ke belakang. Sejenak meninjau ulang bagaimana semua ini bermula. Menata kembali niat dan motivasi.

Dan entah kenapa, membaca kembali sebuah tulisan, sebuah farewell notes yang saya kirimkan hampir 1 tahun yang lalu kepada sahabat-sahabat dan rekan-rekan di kantor dulu, rasanya lebih dari cukup untuk mengingatkan. Mengingatkan lagi bagaimana ini bermula, dan untuk apa semua kelelahan ini sebenarnya.

Sebuah farewell notes yang sulit untuk dilupakan.

Brothers, sisters, colleagues, and friends…

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations. Sometimes it’s a journey that teaches us a lot about our destination. About the purpose of our existence.

When we come to a conclusion, that life in this world is only a journey, not a destination. Then no matter how comfortable our current path is, if it’s not leading us to the right direction, we need to make a turn. Start a new journey, new adventure, new mission.

Today maybe the last day for me to see the “two towers of fire” dancing around. Also to see lights from the plant, beautifully spread, when the sun goes down. To hear the whining sound of six Titans, and to deal with Netzsch pumps when its pin joint gone. Or to work on the troublesome N2 compressor, during high nitrogen demand.

This day maybe also my last day to hear the adzan, from the mosque of Darussalam. To prostrate together with the jama’ah, no matter how busy we are, shalat is number one. To listen to all the good advices from the asatidz and learn more about The Qur’an. And to get together with so many good people there, in an effort to hold on tight, to the sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.

Such an environment that maybe difficult to find.

However, me and my family have decided to move to our hometown. Make the turn to  start a new journey and new mission. A lifetime mission so important, which can only be achieved with full attention and time commitment. Fulfilling the purpose of our existence. Utilizing everything that we have been given, for the good of His Religion.

With that, I would like to make a sincere apology for any mistakes I’ve done. For any occasion when you smile but I frown. Any occasion when you ask for help, but I let you down. For any work I left behind, which may become your burden. For any scar inside, due to my ignorance, which maybe cannot simply heal by apology alone.

I prefer not to say goodbye, as we never know how the fate reunite us in the life to come. This email does not intend to burn the bridge, as it may sounds. We can always keep in touch thru my personal email, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can also find me in my book: PERJALANAN MENCARI KEBENARAN. And inshaAllah thru more books to come.

So I just wanna say, inshaAllah, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN…

Eka Pratama
A Newbie Writer and a Student of Al-Qur’an

كيف أخاف من الفقر وأنا عبد الغني
“How can I be afraid of poverty when I am a slave of The Most Rich”

Abu Qurrah April 6, 2019
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